Hey, I'm Matt 👋
I like to design and develop user interfaces.
My Skills
First ever data visualization and research tool using Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS), developed with UW's Earth and Space Science Department. Recognized as a Research Award Finalist at the iSchool Capstone Gala. Case study coming soon.
IMDb Redesign
An analysis of the Internet Movie Database's information architecture. Includes a collection of recommendations for related to site mapping, search, navigation, labels, design, etc. A more detailed case study can be found here.
Blossom is a mobile application designed to help encourage young women pursue careers in male dominated STEM fields. Click to the link to find detailed description of our research and design process.
What's Your Vibe (In Progress)
A music web application which allows users to connect to their Spotify accounts and efficiently access and discover new music based on their mood. Project inspired by a previous slow design analysis.